Our new sermon series

This Sunday we are commencing a new sermon series titled “Living and Loving’. We will be looking at Romans 8-13 where Paul describes for the church in Rome (and us) the new life that we are called to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. Join us in June...

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Our new sermon series

Our new sermon series is titled ‘The Overture’ and looks at the book of Genesis. This book tells us what our story is all about: God making us, our place in the world, what went wrong and God’s grace in response. Please join us as we explore the beginning of...

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Our new sermon series

This month we are going back to the first Christmas……by going even further back to the 8th Century BC prophet Isaiah. Isaiah was given a message of judgement and hope for his people – a message that still comforts the afflicted and challenges the comfortable. And it all points to...

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Christ Has Been Raised

We are commencing a new short sermon series based on 1 Corinthians 15. In this chapter of the bible, Paul engages in a long discussion about resurrection. It is probably the longest sustained treatment of the subject in the New Testament. Paul says it is central, vital and hopeful that...

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Flagrantly Asked Questions

During our October sermon series we will be exploring Luke further and look at the how Jesus dealt with hostile questions and how he posed some of his own. How should we respond to these questions today? Join us to find out.

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Are We There Yet?

This is our new sermon series commencing on 5 September. Come and join us as we travel through Luke’s gospel. Earlier in the year we saw Jesus set out for  Jerusalem in Luke 9-10. We have now jumped to the end of the journey, as Jesus approaches the city. The...

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“To the Tune of, ‘Do not Destroy’…”

Our Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, has announced a lockdown of Greater Sydney and the surrounding regions of New South Wales. For now, our in-person services have been suspended again. You should be able to access our livestream 10am service through our Facebook page and YouTube channel – you’ll find links on...

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